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Audio Not Loud On iPhone 13 And iPhone 13 Pro (Solved)

Some users of the Apple iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro have complained that the iPhone 13 Pro’s audio is not as loud as the iPhone 13 Pro. When making or receiving calls on the iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro, the sound and audio problems can be noticed. This means that the caller is not able to hear you or they are unable to hear you properly. Below are some solutions for the volume and audio problems on the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro.

If audio problems persist after following the above suggestions, it is recommended that you contact your retailer to have the Apple iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro repaired. Here’s a guide to help you fix your iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro audio problems.

iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro audio not audible:

Turn off the Apple iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro. Next, take out the SIM card. Then turn the phone on.

Dust, dirt, and debris could get stuck in the microphone. Clean it with compressed air, and then check if the iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro audio problems are solved.

Bluetooth can cause an audio problem. Try turning off Bluetooth to resolve the audio issue on iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro.

Wiping the cache on your smartphone can also fix the audio problem.

Another suggestion is to put the iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro in Recovery Mode. 

Audio Not Loud On iPhone 13 And iPhone 13 Pro (Solved)

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