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How To Put Galaxy S20 In Silent Mode (Priority Mode)

You may be interested in knowing how to set the Samsung Galaxy S20 or Galaxy S20+ Plus into Silent Mode. Unfortunately, Priority Mode has been given the Silent Mode name. Silent mode is now known as “Priority Mode” on Android. It has a different feature.

Although “Priority Mode” can be a bit more difficult to use than “Silent Mode”, on the Samsung Galaxy S20, it is very easy to learn. Priority Mode allows you to select the apps and people you want to hear from. This guide will show you how to use Priority Mode on Galaxy S20 and Galaxy S20+ Plus.

Setting up Priority Mode

By tapping the volume button on your device, you can set Priority Mode “Silent Mode”. There are several options below Priority Mode that can be changed for different times. You can adjust the Priority Mode’s duration by using the plus or minus buttons. A notification bar will appear on your Galaxy S20 when Priority Mode is in effect. Only those apps and contacts with access to the Galaxy S20 will be able notify you. While other calls, messages, and updates will still be received by the Galaxy S20, the Galaxy S20+ Plus will not make any noise until the phone has gone into Priority Mode.

Controlling apps

In the Android software, Priority Mode allows you to control specific apps. Go to Sound and Notifications and then to App notifications. Next, select any apps toggles and change it to Priority. Priority Mode on Galaxy S20 has the main benefit of blocking anything that you don’t need, unless it is urgent.

Changing Priority Mod options

Selecting the cog icon at the top of Priority Mode will allow you to change or customize it in many different ways. With toggle switches, you can make changes to events, reminders, calls, and messages. You can also select which people you wish to be able message or call by using Priority Mode wall.

Galaxy S20’s Priority Mode also allows you to choose when Priority Mode should be turned on or off. These options can be set by selecting Days, Start Time and End Time. This will save you the effort of switching Priority Mode manually.

How To Put Galaxy S20 In Silent Mode (Priority Mode)

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